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Author Archives: Taufiq

Eksplorasi Migas 101. Part 2 : Survei


Survei merupakan tahap paling awal dalam proses eksplorasi minyak dan gas. Di tahap ini dicari lokasi lapangan yang memiliki potensi hidrokarbon. Tahap ini melihat dari sudut pandang yang lebih luas, yaitu keseluruhan lapangan, ya kalo di Indonesia contohnya keseluruhan lapangan Duri atau Blok Mahakam. Cakupan yang paling luas diperoleh dari satellite image, dimana dilihat perubahan2 pada permukaan bumi. Perubahan pola vegetasi bisa mengindikasikan resapan hidrokarbon di permukaan bumi, atau ada trap structure di bawah permukaan bumi.

Kemudian metode pengukuran magnetik menggunakan magnetometer. Perubahan nilai medan magnet bumi, walaupun sangat kecil, bisa mengindikasikan adanya intrusi batuan vulkanik berkandungan besi yang juga bisa menjadi trap structure. Selanjutnya metode pengukuran gravitasi menggunakan gravimeter. Perubahan nilai gravitasi bumi, sekali lagi walaupun sangat kecil, juga bisa mengindikasikan adanya salt dome yang menjadi trap structure.

Setelah pemetaan lapangan terhadap nilai2 tadi selesai, skala cakupan pengukuran dipersempit, dan dilakukan survei seismik. Ini untuk mengetahui dimana lokasi persis serta di kedalaman berapa hidrokarbon berada. Metode seismik menggunakan sound source berupa airgun yang ditembakkan ke dalam tanah. Suara tadi akan direfleksikan oleh tiap2 lapisan formasi di dalam perut bumi, dan ditangkap oleh alat yang bernama geophone. Prinsip kerjanya mirip2 kayak sensor jarak yang pake ultrasonik lah. Seiring perkembangan teknologi, sekarang bahkan data hasil survei seismik udah bisa diolah jadi mapping 3D.


Diatas adalah contoh survei seismik di offshore alias di tengah laut. Geophone yang dipakai di survei offshore biasanya dinamai hydrophone. Karena di laut, tentu saja surveinya dilakukan di atas kapal.

Biasanya yang melakukan survei2 awal ini adalah geophysical services kumpeni. Hasil dari survei seismik bisa diolah oleh Reservoir Engineer dari owner kumpeni untuk memperkirakan kandungan hidrokarbon yang ada dan bisa diambil di daerah tersebut. Dan kemudian dianalisis ekonomis gak untuk dilakukan tahapan eksplorasi selanjutnya, yaitu drilling.

Filed under Uncategorized
Sep 3, 2014

Eksplorasi Migas 101. Part 1 : Geologi


Tahun lalu saya ikut Technical Training Program. Mumpung masih inget dikit2, melalui beberapa post kedepan, saya coba nyeritain lagi materi2 yang diajarin disana. Terutama yang berkaitan sama tahapan eksplorasi oil and gas. Untuk memahami eksplorasi minyak dan gas, mau gak mau emang harus berhubungan sama geologi. Kira2 garis besarnya kayak gini.


Menurut teori mainstream perminyakan, minyak dan gas berasal dari makhluk hidup yang sudah mati jutaan tahun lalu. Sisa makhluk hidup ini mengendap diatas batuan yang disebut source rock. Karena proses pergerakan lempeng bumi yang dinamis selama jutaan tahun, akhirnya sisa hewan dan tumbuhan tadi berada di dalam perut bumi. Karena proses dekomposisi, kemudian terekspos pressure dan temperatur sekian lama, akhirnya makhluk hidup tadi berubah menjadi hidrokarbon. Hidrokarbon bisa berbentuk fluida (gas atau minyak) atau berbentuk padat dengan titik lebur rendah (parafin, wax, atau polymer).


Jangan bayangin hidrokarbon tadi tersimpan di dalam ruang kayak gua atau terowongan di dalam tanah, tinggal dibikin lubang sampe kesitu, trus disedot gitu. Biasanya hidrokarbon entah minyak atau gas, tersimpan dalam batuan berongga yang dinamakan reservoir rocks. Rongga di batuan ini bervariasi ukurannya, tapi gak sampe sebesar ruangan. Gampangannya batuan tadi kayak spons. Kalau spons dalam kehidupan sehari2 menyerap dan menyimpan air, nah batuan reservoir ini menyimpan hidrokarbon. Batuan2 ini biasanya batuan pasir (sandstone) atau batuan gamping (limestone, dolomite).

Trap, Seal

Kenapa hidrokarbon tetap berada di dalam reservoir rocks? Kenapa hidrokarbon gak mengalir ke permukaan tanah, kayak air gitu? Saking lamanya dia berada di dalam perut bumi, dan karena pergerakan lempeng bumi juga, hidrokarbon tadi terhalangi oleh formasi batuan yang tidak tembus fluida, yang dinamakan trap and seal. Umumnya formasi batuan yang anti tembus ini (bukan roti jepang) adalah shale. Shale ini biasanya berstruktur mirip tanah liat. Tanah liat gak tembus air kan? Nah shale ini kira2 gitu lah.


Nah dengan mengetahui dimana posisi formasi reservoir, trap, dan seal, posisi hidrokarbon bisa diketahui. Untuk kasus sebenarnya, kadang2 gak sesederhana ini. Banyak faktor yg diperhitungkan, misalnya bentuk sealnya, apakah fault (patahan) seperti gambar diatas atau gak. Dan jenis hidrokarbonnya, yg dijelasin diatas adalah untuk hidrokarbon konvensional. Selain hidrokarbon konvensional, ada juga shale gas, oil sands, bitumen, dll.

Filed under Uncategorized
Aug 31, 2014

Merbabu Solo Trekking


Last month, I go hike up at Merbabu. My intention was to have exercise, because the next month I would go to Rinjani. Because it was incidental, I decided to do it single man by myself. So, the night before, I rent a tent from a outdoor equipment rental near my ex-campus. It was a 2-person tent, for emergency if there were any fellow hiker that badly need, but primarily because the rental place didn’t have any single-person tent.

Then I prepared the logistics for 2 days, the eating utensils, and my other gears. At first, I want to bring my 600D and the tripod, but I think it would make my carrier unnecessarily heavier, and it was an exercise trekking, so I think I didn’t need that camera. I planned to do day trekking, which is I never done before, I always do night trekking with my friends. And I planned to have nasi bungkus as my lunch and dinner.

On D-Day morning, I woke up late, I woke up at 7 a.m, it was supposedly I have arrived at Selo at 6 a.m. So I toke a quick bath and check my carrier if there was something left. Then I went to Selo with my motorcycle. I stopped several times to have a breakfast, buy a match, several snack, and buy my lunch. I decided to not buy the dinner yet, because I think again that it would not good again if I store it too long on my bag.

I arrived at Selo Merbabu at 10.30 a.m. Then I registered on the basecamp. There are three basecamp, I choose the lowest basecamp, but I suggested the highest camp, because you will conserve your energy more by saving some walk. There were 3 fellow hiker from Jakarta, that just arrived from Selo Merapi, and they planned to hike up this afternoon. So I ask if I could joined them, and we decided to hike up at 11 a.m.

When I departed from Jogja, the sky was clear and there was no sign of rain. But that noon, the rain was coming, but it just a little, so we started our walk. The Selo Merbabu trek is a forest trek, and less steep than the Wekas trek in the early stage. We arrived at 1st post by 2.30 p.m. We have our lunch there. I shared my penyetan rice, and my fellows shared their instant noodles and coffe. We continue, and the walk is slowly, since I wasn’t in a hurry, and once again, it was just an exercise.

We arrived at 2nd post by 4 p.m. Start from here, the forest start to reduced, and the savanna start to be seen. The trek difficulties also increased. We arrived at the savanna hill at 5 p.m. My fellows decided to camp there. But I decided to continue the walk, since there are many other hikers. Finally I arrived at the last savanna by 7.30 p.m. I build my tent there, along with other hikers that I meet on the trek. They are also UGM students, and also from MIPA faculty.

At there, already there were many tents, and we decided to make our tent not too far from them. I make my dinner with an instant noodles and a glass of milk. Then I sleep inside my sleeping bag in my tent. I woke up at the middle of the night because of something wet hitting my face, realizing it was raining and my tent weren’t have a flysheet cover! So the whole night I was praying that the rain would not go any harder!

And in the morning, I had to face that my tent has become a waterpool. And my whole gears were wet. So I decided to go back down, and not to the peak. After a breakfast, I pack all of my gears and give my logistics that still left to fellow MIPA hikers at the front of my tent. After a little phototaking, I started to trek down at 8.30 a.m.

On the way, there are so many tent at the savanna, I realize that they arrived after me. Merbabu has become a crowded hotel last night! The trek also badly plowed by the hikers. I knew that they hike up under the rain, so its like plowing a rice field! But I could go down quickly, and before 12 o’clock, I have arrived at the basecamp. And the basecamp was very crowded also. The campsman tell me that there were 200 people hike up last night. What a number!

Then I started my motorcycle, and I arrived to my home at 3 p.m after I return the tent to the rental. And I decided to wash all of my gears that afternoon.

There are many lesson learned from this solo trekking. The most important, prepare all of your gears carefully, and all should suitable with all possible weather. And you must know the route well. In my case, I have learned that Selo is rather easy track, so I dare to do it alone. In solo trekking, all of the things done by yourself. So, what decided your lives here decided by yourself. But, the good side, you could always choose your own timing. Normally, I always left behind by my friends when I go hikking at the mountain, because I was too slow. But here, I didn’t feel that I was left behind by anyone, because I went alone, and everything could be fine.

Yeah, it was my very first solo trekking. I have my experience here, in any case there is something happened in the future.

Filed under Uncategorized
Apr 23, 2014

Through Struggle part 2


God will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.
(al-Ra’d, 13:11)

Some people think that they could achieve their goals and objectives. Some others just think to let it flow. Some people think that it just destiny that could bring them somewhere or that just luck that they need, nothing else. Some people think to giving up and take different pathways on their life. Some people think it ridiculous and tell other people to think more realistic and rational.

But I believe, it is through struggle that people can achieve many things, it is through struggle that people can make their dream realized, it is through struggle that could bring happy end.

Filed under Uncategorized
Mar 19, 2014

Working Days


Last year, 2013, was a brand new year for me. Finally I was into real world life. As a fresh graduate, I went unemployed at first. It is like 3-6 months I’m finding a job. 3 months if it counts from my ‘formal’ graduation day in Grha Sabha Pramana, or 6 months if it counts from my final exam in Ramadhan of 2012.

And finally, I got a job as a Maintenance Engineer in Halliburton Wireline and Perforating Solution (WPS), based at Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. I was placed at Muara Badak after my 3 months probation period, I’ve written the story about my probation period earlier last year, doing mainly Cased Hole maintenance, ranging from tool’s electronics, mechanical, and surface system, that including the panel in the Logging Truck. When I went to Balikpapan last year, I didn’t know the job description for a Maintenance Engineer at all. Electronics, especially Analog, was not my concentration when I’m on college, and I am not very good at analog electronics, so I try hard to remembering all of the materials on college.

In Ramadhan of 2013, I was sent for Technical Training Program at Fort Worth, Texas, US. It was my first time I went abroad. 8-hours flight from Jakarta-to-Dubai continued with 16-hours Dubai-to-Dallas. I learn many many many things there, all about oil and gas exploration, from survey, drilling, evaluation, and finally completion, beside my competencies of well logging a.k.a well data acquisition physics measurement theory. With my background in Electronics Instrumentation, these are fascinating study. This training could be called ‘Oil n Gas Exploration for Dummies’ or ‘Oil n Gas Exploration 101’.

After I went back home, I mean back to my work, I went back to Badak for Cased Hole again for a few months. Last month, I was sent to Balikpapan for 3 weeks to doing Open Hole maintenance, it was my first Open Hole assignment in my working days. Finally I could touch the-mighty-LOGIQ-tool-that-only-seniors-can-maintain-it. The procedure is not really hard if it compared to Cased Hole one. But for the circuit schematics, yeah you could vomit if look at it too much. And the size, is matter. It needs at least 2 people to handle and move the tool, compared to single man handling of Cased Hole tools.

When people working on their job, certainly there are few bad things. But, there are much more good things in my job, many good mates that keep me laugh all the day, good seniors that patiently taught me while they are doing their duty too. In other word, it could be said that we trying to do the best for the work, and do the best for the play. This is not a kind of job that people go to work from Monday to Friday, and then they could have Saturday and Sunday for rest. This job require us to do 30-days work continuously, at least for a trainee like me. So we need to keep each other cheers and happy in our work. Fortunately for me, my job is still a comfort zone for me right now. But I must not be satisfied this early. I need to make goals, and also plans to achieve them.

Well, that is the story of my working days in 2013. Hope everything will be running smoothly for 2014 😀

Jan 17, 2014

For the Future


誰だって一度は大空を飛べる さ
今日から君の限界目指せ For the future!


人生 なーんて
さぁ 行こう !!

誰だって一度は大空を飛べる さ
今日から君の限界目指せ For the future!
フルスピードで限界目指せ For the future!


さぁ 行こう !!

輝く瞬間(トキ)を駆け抜けよう For the future!
僕等 自由なんだ
さぁ 行こうよ

Anyone can fly in the big sky once!
From today, aim for your limits
For the future!

You settle for not doing things you want to do.
You act like an adult when you really should stop.
You can’t even say no to anything.
Where has the real you gone?

You must be sick of living your life
by the book.
Come on, let’s go!!

Anyone can fly in the big sky once!
From today, aim for your limits
For the future!

There’s no time to sigh!
Aim for the limit at full speed
For the future!

In this story called “life”,
You are the star of your scenes.
If you’re not happy with something,
Go ahead and rewrite it the way you want.

It can’t be any fun complaining,
Without doing anything
Come on, let’s go!!

Anyone can fly in the big sky once!
Show me the real you now
For the future!

You’ll be strong again soon!
Let’s run through these shining times
For the future!

We are free
Come on, let’s go!

Filed under Uncategorized
Jun 29, 2013

All of My Angst


Bulan ini, mungkin adalah salah satu bulan terburuk saya, namun bulan ini mungkin juga adalah salah satu bulan terbaik saya. Semua yang bisa saya lakukan telah saya lakukan, walaupun belum maksimal. Semoga bulan Syabaan ini berakhir dengan happy ending. Bismillah.

Filed under Musik, My dream, My thoughts
Jun 26, 2013

Sayonara Memories


ああ 別れを

泣いて笑った あの日々
この道はそう 未来へ続く道



春が来たら それぞれの道を

「さよなら」 小さくつぶやいた
空はあの日と変わらず 青くて
だから ちょっと泣けた


あの時 君は
二人 夕暮れの帰り道で

出会えたコト 感謝してる

初めて見た 満開のサクラ


だから私 君と
今のまま さよならしたくないの
ずっと 前から

ああ やっと言えた


Oh blooming cherry blossoms on this hill road
I have to say goodbye to you

Those days where we were crying and laughing
Seemed like only yesterday.
It feels like this road we’ve walked on
Is leading towards the future

You were happy that
Every year the blossoms bloomed earlier than expected
I smiled and said ‘it seems like it’
Just a little while more
And we can’t return to this place anymore

If I were to open my heart to you
And tell you of those indescribable feelings
Would I be able to do it?
For a beginning, there is always an ending
One day the path we took to go home
Will be a precious memory to me
I won’t forget you,
Those goodbye memories

When spring comes, each of these roads

I prayed for a day where we would meet again
As I silently mumbled ‘Goodbye’
That day the sky was blue like always
So I cried a little

I purposely took the longer way home
Just to be with you a little bit longer
I jokingly said ‘Oops, we went the wrong way’
You smiled so radiantly and looked away

I’ll hold those indescribable feelings
Of moments on this road we’ve walked on in my heart
Do you remember that time when you
Called out my name, and
We walked home together in the evening
I won’t forget you
Those goodbye memories

I am grateful to have met you

I wonder how much everything had changed
Since we last saw the cherry blossoms in full bloom

I took a glance at you and thought to myself
‘It seems I’ve become to like this person’
But why? I don’t get it at all
Since then each and every day had been fun
But at the same time it had been painful

I’m sorry I can’t say it any better
But I, about you, how do I say it?
I can’t say goodbye to you now
I don’t want to stay as just friends
I thought we could back then.
I, you, about you
Since long ago, I’ve always
Liked you.

Ah I’ve finally said it!

Filed under Musik, My dream, My thoughts
May 29, 2013

Off Pertama


Alhamdulilah, akhirnya masa probation berhasil terlewati, dan saya diperbolehkan untuk off oleh bos dari tanggal 4 sampai tanggal 18 Mei kemarin. Dan akhirnya saya pulang ke Jogja 😀

Sesuai dengan pengalaman dan nasihat senior, waktu off saya pergunakan dengan seksama, dan saya jadwal dengan ketat. Mulai dari dateng ke festival jejepangan kampus, sepedaan, naik gunung sama teman2 SMA, liat orang futsal (gara2 sedikit kecelakaan, jadi gak bisa ikut main, cuma lihat aja), datang ke nikahan temen, sampe pesta semalam suntuk bersama teman2 seperwotaan.

Sebenarnya saya dijadwalkan sudah harus ke Jakarta tanggal 16 untuk mengurus visa, namun karena satu dan lain hal, akhirnya saya ke Jakarta tanggal 18. Jadi ada sedikit waktu buat menonton dedek2 lucuk yang bermarkas di salah satu mall di kawasan Stadion Gelora Bung Karno. Ada juga sedikit kumpul2 sama teman seperjuangan Elins 2008 yang sedang merantau disana. Cerita2 tentang pengalaman awal2 kerja, dan sedikit ada ide untuk bikin semacam kumpulan antar sesama teman2 yang bidang industrinya sama.

Overall, off pertama saya sangat produktif. Dan off pertama ini lumayan men-charge energi saya untuk kembali bekerja, kali ini satu bulan penuh,

May 25, 2013

Muara Badak, The Last Week


Sebagai seorang trainee kemarin sore yang sama sekali gak tahu apa2, saya harus banyak belajar dan mencari ilmu sebanyak2nya di Badak selama dua setengah bulan kemarin. Kesempatan untuk belajar sebenarnya banyak, namun kadang timingnya tidak tepat dengan assignment schedule saya yang juga harus menyesuaikan sama teman2 yg lain. Sebenarnya saya pengen banyak hands on, tapi kadang keadaan tidak memungkinkan. Sebenarnya saya masih merasa sangat belum cukup, saya merasa apa yang saya tahu masih lebih sedikit dengan yang diketahui oleh teman2 se-batch. Mereka seperti sudah expert dan siap untuk ditempatkan dimana saja. Namun waktu juga yang membatasi. Saya juga sudah ingin libur dulu ke kota Jogja tercinta.

Setelah off, harapan saya adalah saya ditaruh ke base dimana saya bisa lebih banyak ‘pegang’ tool, tidak cuma disuruh membaca manual saja. Entah itu di Duri, Balikpapan, atau bahkan Surabaya. Di Duri saya dengar jam kerjanya lebih ketat, namun tidak apa2 bagi trainee seperti saya asal saya bisa lebih banyak berlatih. Di Badak lagi pun sebenarnya juga tidak mengapa, asal saya diberi kesempatan yang lebih banyak.

Besok Jumat saya off. Dan empat hari kedepan saya akan masuk Lab Cased Hole. Rencana saya sih pengen belajar Magnetic Orienting Tool. Semoga empat hari ini cukup untuk sekedar tahu post-job service-nya.

Filed under Kerja, My thoughts
Apr 28, 2013