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Archives for My dream

Target 2010


  1. Ngangkat IPK, minimal jadi 3 koma lah..
  2. Mendalami bahasa PHP, C, dan python.
  3. Backpaking ke Bandung po Bali
  4. LF jadi
  5. Menaikkan berat badan jadi 60kg
  6. Mendalami Linux lebih jauh
  7. Kandangbuaya ku laris
  8. Bikin kamera lubang jarum
  9. Bikin aplikasi web dari CodeIgniter
  10. Kalo bisa, njajal PKM lagi


Filed under My dream, My thoughts
Jun 5, 2010

Great Hackers


Ken Thompson : Inventor of Unix OS

Dennis Ritchie
: Creator of C language

Richard Stallman : Founder of GNU Project

Bjarne Stroustrup : Creator of C++ language

Bill Joy : Founder of BSD OS

Andrew Tanenbaum : Creator of MINIX, which inspired Linux

Linus Torvald : First developer of Linux

Sergey Brin and Larry Page : Inventor of Google

Rasmus Lerdorf : Inventor of PHP language

They are the real HACKER, who build the internet and write open-source program. So, I dont included Kevin Mitnick, S’To, cs in the list because they are CRACKER, who destroy and steal things.

Mereka adalah inspirasi saya untuk terus belajar dan berkarya.

Filed under Linux, My dream, My thoughts, Web
Jun 5, 2010