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My First Python Script, search on People’s Twit

Posted by Taufiq on May 19, 2011 at 11:28 am
import urllib
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
def printTweets(username):
    jumlah = 20
    timeline_xml = urllib.urlopen("" % (username, jumlah))
    xml = minidom.parse(timeline_xml)
    status = xml.getElementsByTagName("text")
    for twit in status:
        mau_dicari = twit.childNodes[0].data
        mau_cari = mau_dicari.find(cari)
        if mau_cari != -1 :
            print "tweet:",twit.childNodes[0].data,"\n"
        else :
user = raw_input("masukkan nama user\n")
cari = raw_input("masukkan yang tweet ingin dicari\n")

Good for stalking, without additional libraries, just install python, and run it. Find on 200 latest twit (the current API limit). Big thank to Mas Bima dan Mas Glowing Mind.

nb. untuk sementara hanya berjalan pada Python 2.xx

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